Category Archives: Old Blog
Missing her
A Few Good Men
There are men who lie by your bedside when you are sick……….and then, there are men who actually steer you out of trouble. Last week, I had gone to Goa and we met with an accident. A Ghastly one. I shall defer the details, until my friend gets better. But the point here is that …
I’m outta here!!
” Ahh finally I get the much needed breather from Mumbai Bombay. Tomorrow I’m leaving with my buddies for Amboli. Its the last hill station in the Sahyadri Range, before it recedes into the beaches we know more popularly as Goa. So then, I’ll be back on Monday. Hopefully with a good account what all happened at …
Memories are Fingerprints
Yesterday I had an exam. And it was quite a co-incidence that my centre turned out to be my alma mater. It was K. C. College, Churchgate. The college in which I spent the two best years of my life. As I entered the college campus, I was greeted by an absolutely brilliant looking campus …
Develop and Inhibit
The bright side: Its all around us. Its in the newspapers. Its in the air that you breathe. Its in the slip-ons that you wear. Its on that seat you are sitting on. Its on your monitor right now. Soon it’ll be in your head. India’s feeling good. Never has the mood been so upbeat. …
Mumbai Bloggers Meet and more..
“Assigning faces to online identities is something that most of us have never done before. But yet the feeling of amity and comradeship was unmistakable. The whole atmosphere was like that of a winter evening coffee carnival. I probably will be one of the many people who will be writing a review of the meet, …
Fly high up on the sky…
Its that time of the season again when people loosen up their arms and tighten the grips. For this ain’t just a sport or a festival. This is more than that. Its a way of life….. Kites. Thousands of them hit the sky every year epitomizing the very free spirit. It is one festival that …
Return to BlogDom
My name has been featured on the Hinudstan Times website. Check it out here: (Shameless self-promotion ),00030006.htm
The Mid-Sabbatical Crisis
“ ISTJ – “”Trustee””. Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test Personality Disorder Test Results Paranoid