The buttress that supports us all

Its a bond that sees no boundaries.No haggling politicians nor bureaucratic adversaries. An unmistakable and unspoken bond between the civilians and the military seeths through the streets of this patriotic country. For years the men patrolling the borders of this vulnerable country have provided a much needed buttress protecting billions of souls. One the eve …

Of festivities and more…

The changing face of Indian festivities often leaves me bemused. Especially that of the metropolitans. The gargantuan changes in lifestyles of people has literally dragged the festivals by the scruff of the neck and put ’em in a corner. Gone are those days when people used to celebrate with the pomp and splendor for generations …

The day when everything went wrong…

“We were the reigning champions of every Treasure Hunt (TH) in our college….until today. The four of us: Ankit, Kaushal, Akshay and of course me. We make our regular TH team. Something about the driver. Kaushal is one of the best drivers I have seen in my lifetime. He can beat the shit out of …