Hope is a walking dream. I was talking to Keval the other day and he hapened to mention this. And then I just got into the train of thoughts and realised how true it was.
All those who have seen, The Shawshank Redemption, I think would impulsively agree with me. Over the years, Hope has given lives to the bereft few. It has lit up the arroyos of blackness and chaged the definition of abyss. It is indeed a walking dream.
There is a very thin line between being optimistic and having hope. People have struggled to define both of them specifically. But this has only led to disheveled results and bemused minds. It is something that even I pondered over and got lost in the mirrored room of views and counterviews.
Hope can, at times, also be a deterrent to happy living.
After all, how do you define hope??
Time will tell…….for sure.