“Buried in reams of red-tape and bureaucracy, education seems to be breathing its final breaths. But the optimistic few (like me) are still lurking behind the deceptive fronts, waiting for a major upheavel, a la phoenix.
The system is poised for a major catharsis. It is/was bound to happen at some point of time. Its a shame when in the land of torch-bearers and the cognizant few, education seems to be caught in a labyrinth of politics and corruption.
Money talks, as always. The system is plagued in every possible dimension. Teachers who cant teach, Principals minus principles and politicians being the top-dogs are the trends.
Its heading this way. A revolution. A major one. One that will change the face of the education. The one that will actually make the educated few, the cognizant few.
….And yes, I am back after that bout of depression. I have learnt a lot in the past few days. I have learnt to take it in my stride. I am back
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